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Immersive & Interactive Theatre

Stephanie Ware has over 12 years of immersive theatre experience encompassing ground-breaking and boundary-pushing immersive theatre, interactive character brand engagement, to festival walkabout acts. She has worked with: Dank Parish, Chivaree Circus, Bearded Kitten, Bakehouse Factory, Get Lost & Found, Gideon Reeling, Fanta/The Mill, Disappearing Dining Company, Wet Picnic, The Crystal Maze Experience, War Of The Worlds, The Lost Estate, Secret Brunch, Kettners of Soho, Lemonade & Laughing Gas, Maman Le Mot, Boomtown Festival, Secret Garden Party, Camp Bestival, Elderflower Fields, Elrow and more...

Below are just a glimpse of some of her work over the years. If you would like to book Stephanie or get her to curate and host an evening of immersive entertainment then please email Stephanie.

Miss Stephanie Ware | Bespoke Compere & Host | Eva Von Schnippisch | Ukulele Lady | French Chanteuse | How Eva Won WWII
Miss Stephanie Ware | Bespoke Compere & Host | Eva Von Schnippisch | Ukulele Lady | French Chanteuse | How Eva Won WWII
Miss Stephanie Ware | Bespoke Compere & Host | Eva Von Schnippisch | Ukulele Lady | French Chanteuse | How Eva Won WWII
Miss Stephanie Ware | Bespoke Compere & Host | Eva Von Schnippisch | Ukulele Lady | French Chanteuse | How Eva Won WWII

The Zeppelin Club

Military Gentlemen's Cabaret Club


For 10 years TZC laid dormant until 2013 when it was resurrected and re-housed in the bunker basement of Brewdog in Shoredeutsch. Together with Johnny Vercoutre aka Chrome & Silver and with Eva Von Schnippisch as the host, WARE IT'S AT PRODUCTIONS put on an array of high-calibre Weimar-inspired Cabaret, musicians and war-time japery.


We’re leading the troupes in to bring you immeasurably refined talent, un-mistakenly distinguished vintage clientele, undeniably seductive secrets…and all the drinking, dancing and decadence your body can handle.


“Ssssh! Careless talk costs lives!”


Ladies are officially banned, but those doing a passable impression of a gentleman are likely to slip under our doorman’s careless eye. Anyone in a frock will be required to have a moustache painted upon their top lip. We don’t mind who you are…as long as you are a chap!




Photography by Hanson Leatherby & Ian J Jackson.

Previous Special Guest Agents:

Miss Stephanie Ware | Bespoke Compere & Host | Eva Von Schnippisch | Ukulele Lady | French Chanteuse | How Eva Won WWII
Miss Stephanie Ware | Bespoke Compere & Host | Eva Von Schnippisch | Ukulele Lady | French Chanteuse | How Eva Won WWII
Miss Stephanie Ware | Bespoke Compere & Host | Eva Von Schnippisch | Ukulele Lady | French Chanteuse | How Eva Won WWII
Miss Stephanie Ware | Bespoke Compere & Host | Eva Von Schnippisch | Ukulele Lady | French Chanteuse | How Eva Won WWII

A Very London A-Fare

Pop-Up Dinner & Cabaret

WARE IT'S AT PRODUCTIONS worked with DISAPPEARING DINING CLUB to create a unique pop-up dining evening with cabaret and live-music at a quirky Hackney warehouse venue.  With cuisine based on 'olde London fare' that included dishes such as potted mackerel and rabbit & crayfish pie.


Fair-lady or fop, ragamuffin or rogue, dandy or down-and-out…you’re all gems of London…and you’re all welcome! DDC will be serving up some good old traditional English fare…with flair! So expect some East-End seasonal surprises on your plate.

Once you’ve enjoyed your delicious 4 courses don your top hat or your bowler, your barrow-boy or your bonnet and take a stroll down the strand with sensational cabaret duo SIDNEY & PERCY and their ‘after dinner treat’. S&P have been going down a storm on the pop-up dining scene so they’re experts at helping you digest your devourings. They’ve been described as the warped love-childen of Chaz 'n' Dave and Liza there’s sure to be some jazz hands and some “dickie-eye-decorum”.

Miss Stephanie Ware | Bespoke Compere & Host | Eva Von Schnippisch | Ukulele Lady | French Chanteuse | How Eva Won WWII
Miss Stephanie Ware | Bespoke Compere & Host | Eva Von Schnippisch | Ukulele Lady | French Chanteuse | How Eva Won WWII
Miss Stephanie Ware | Bespoke Compere & Host | Eva Von Schnippisch | Ukulele Lady | French Chanteuse | How Eva Won WWII
Miss Stephanie Ware | Bespoke Compere & Host | Eva Von Schnippisch | Ukulele Lady | French Chanteuse | How Eva Won WWII

Speed-Dating Table-Football 

A Game Of Two Halves 

Miss Stephanie Ware desined, created and hosted London's most unique and quirky dating night for nearly 4 years..a jolly good old-fashioned evening of speed-dating with a difference!


* No awkward silences

* No fumbling for something interesting to say

* We give you ludicrously ridiculous topics of conversation to get the ball rolling

* Just fill in your score sheet...and we'll do the rest!!


There are only house 3 rules ladies and gentlemen…we ask you to not speak about your job, how much you earn, or how old you are! It's frightfully tedious you see?! Break the rules and you may incur the wrath of "the gloves of justice" have been warned!!!


We mix speed-dating with table-football to break the ice, so that you can encounter some like-minded Ladies or Gents as you circumnavigate the room. Perhaps you'll meet your 'Goal Mate'?!...Are You Game?!


2009-2013 at Bar Kick, Shoreditch
Late night at the Tate Museum - 2014


"Experience the weird world of Edwardian-themed football speed-dating"
The Independent 2013

"Alternative date nights" - The Guardian 2009

"Weird & wonderful" - The Edible Editor 2011

"One of London’s most sought after dating nights" - Londonist 2010

Miss Stephanie Ware | Ukulele | Cabaret | Events | A Game Of 2 Halves
Miss Stephanie Ware | Bespoke Compere & Host | Eva Von Schnippisch | Ukulele Lady | French Chanteuse | How Eva Won WWII
Miss Stephanie Ware | Bespoke Compere & Host | Eva Von Schnippisch | Ukulele Lady | French Chanteuse | How Eva Won WWII
Miss Stephanie Ware | Bespoke Compere & Host | Eva Von Schnippisch | Ukulele Lady | French Chanteuse | How Eva Won WWII

The Parlour Party

Miss Stephanie Ware | Bespoke Compere & Host | Eva Von Schnippisch | Ukulele Lady | French Chanteuse | How Eva Won WWII

Victorian Parlour Game Night 

Miss Stephanie Ware | Bespoke Compere & Host | Eva Von Schnippisch | Ukulele Lady | French Chanteuse | How Eva Won WWII
Miss Stephanie Ware | Bespoke Compere & Host | Eva Von Schnippisch | Ukulele Lady | French Chanteuse | How Eva Won WWII
Disgruntled that pub quizzes were the only way that people's 'intelligence' could be measured by, Ware It's At Productions created and hosted The Parlour Party...
POETS, ARTISTS, PHILOSOPHERS, ENGINEERS, LINGUISTS, MATHEMATICIANS, HUNTERS, ACTORS, SCULPTORS, SPORTSMEN, AND GAMBLERS…Come forth and show your skills, bring a team of chums, express your gamesmanship and enjoy a plethora of party parlour games and challenges. Enjoy a whole evening of team playoffs and individual contests to get your creative, academic, and sporting juices flowing. 11 different categories of excellence to excel in…and refreshments to be won!
The Junction Rooms - Dalston 2010


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